My Staycation in Beautiful Superior, Colorado

One of the unexpected benefits of the stay-at-home policies is that I’m recognizing how much there is to do and see in my pretty home town of Superior, Colorado.

I’ve been playing the Superior Together Challenge scavenger hunt put on by The Town of Superior, and having so much fun!

The first mission was to write what Superior means to me in three words.

Home Sweet Home – I travel a lot but feel so grateful that my home is in Superior, Colorado, sweetly nestled between cultural Denver and scenic Boulder.

One of the missions that I had trouble with was the one in which we were supposed to find a piece of litter found in Superior and dispose of it properly. It was so hard to find any litter in Superior! This town is unbelievably clean!

Yes, litter is hard to come by, but I have been finding little painted rocks with inspirational messages!

Superior, Colorado inspirational painted rocks
Inspirational messages on painted rocks are found instead of litter in Superior, Colorado

My neighborhood is so beautifully landscaped and litter-free that it’s almost surreal. In a time when there are so many people hurting, I recognize how wonderful it is to live in this community. I’m so grateful to all the people who work hard to keep it so safe and beautiful.

The video I made this week for the isolated seniors (as a volunteer for Seniors With Skills) are pictures I’ve taken as I’ve walked on the trails of Superior.

I’ve been much more observant of my surroundings since the Covid-19 crisis and also more aware of what a privileged life I’ve led. I’m so grateful to live in this community that demonstrates kindness and care for one another.

Since I’ve been walking all the Superior Trails, I’ve been creating my own “scavenger hunt” of things in my community that make me happy! Come join me!

Create a Walking Scavenger Hunt

If you want to have a “Carpe Diem Mindset,” first you might want to figure out things that bring you happiness and joy. For me, three things I love are walking, sunshine, and playing games – like scavenger hunts!

Now that it’s summer and there’s plenty of sunshine, I’m creating my own “scavenger hunt” by walking the trails in my neighborhood and hunting for things that make me happy… and it turns out there are SO many things I’m finding!

To start this adventure, I found a map of my neighborhood at the Town of Superior’s Website that had all the walking trails marked:

Superior Trail Map
Superior Trail Map

Every day, I’m hitting the trails and taking pictures, looking for things that make me smile.

Here are a few of my favorites:

Purple Flowers!
Painted Rocks with Inspirational Messages
Signs Congratulating Graduating Seniors
“Mutton Mowers” – Goat Grazing to Mitigate Noxious Weed
Beautiful scenery
Kids and Dogs!
A TireSwing!
Lovely Parks!

What things can you find that make you smile?

I’m grateful to the Town of Superior and all the people who make this area such a wonderful place to live.

I also thank Walk2Connect and Walk With a Doc for all their inspirational and motivational encouragement to keep walking!

Carpe Diem Day Music Playlist

So, I put together a sampling of “Carpe Diem” songs today.. you know, songs that make you want to live life fully!

I’m doing a LOT of experimentation these days with WordPress, Music Apps, Playlists, Videos, and a multitude of applications to edit, share, etc.

Here’s my playlist and I’m hoping others will be able to collaboratively add to it, so giving this a try!