
U-Weeks: Universe Unfolds in UnUsUal Ways

Uprooting Usual Routine

Uhhh… where do I even begin? Uprooting my life to move to Sacramento this Upcoming Monday has Undeniably Upended the Usual routine, but here I am, Unabashedly Upbeat! Yes, I’m packing Up, preparing to plant myself in a new place for a 30-day Joy Adventure with my mom, whose journey through dementia has been both Unbelievably heartbreaking and yet Undeniably filled with moments of Unadulterated love.

U might think that such an Upheaval would have me feeling Unencumbered stress. But, Until U experience it yourself, U won’t Understand how the Universe Unfolds its plan, throwing Us into situations that feel Unplanned yet Ultimately perfect. It’s as if the Universe, in its Ubiquitous wisdom, knew this was a time for Uplifting moments—time to Uncover Uncommon connections and share Unconditional love with my mom.

Upbeat Spirit Despite Challenges

And U know what? I’m Ultra excited. Despite the obvious challenges, I’m approaching this with an Upbeat spirit, ready to Unfurl some Unexpected joy with my mom during our daily Joy Hours. I’m Unifying a routine to bring stability, Uncovering new ways to spark joy and create moments that, though small, feel huge in their importance.

U could say I’m Undeniably Up for the challenge. U could even call this chapter of life a Unicorn moment—rare, beautiful, and entirely Unanticipated. The United States is full of stories about aging, caregiving, and family. This is mine. It’s Unique, but it’s also Universal in its themes of Unwavering love, Understanding, and the Ultimate truth that we all need to feel connected.

So, Universe, bring it on. I’m here, Upbeat and Uplifted, embracing this next Uncharted adventure with arms wide open, Under the watchful eyes of the stars, Uhhh, I mean… the Universe.

UnUsUal Collaboration

And by the way, this is an UnUsUal post! Why? Because my trusted helper, Unreal-UrsulAI, gave me a hand with all this Ubiquitous alliteration. Sometimes, even I need a little help from the Universe—and in this case, it came in the form of my virtual assistant!

T-Weeks: T-Party, Tidds, and Travel

Texas Hold’em T-Party

Today iT’s Time to Talk about T-Weeks!

Texas Hold’em T-Party

T is a Terrific Theme for a Texas Hold’em T-Party. Our aTTire was Trendy with T-shirts, Ties, Tassels, a Tam, and Tops of Teal and Tan. I had a Two-Tone Tye-Dye with Torn Trousers and Top Hat.

The Troop Took my requesT for plen’T’ of ‘T’sing Thoughtfully. We aTe Tacos, with Tomatoes and Toppings. Tostados and Tortilla Toasts all Tasted Tremendous. To quench our Thirst, of course, There was Tea!

Tacos, Toppings, Toast, and Tea!

For Treats we had Twizzlers, Twix bars, and Tiramisu Thins. Though Texas Hold’em was The only Tournament game, There was Table Tennis, TV, and more Table games for The Team.

The Tidds

The Tidds

Let me Tell you about a Terrific Team – my daughTer, Megan, her husband, Chris, and Their Two Teens, Diego & Reneya. Together, They are The Tidds. Time Together is Treasured.

Tidd Treasure

On sepTember Twenty-eighTh, we celebraTe “Uncle Chris Day.” My broTher, Chris, would have been Turning 63. Chris Thrived on Teases and Treats, so iTs fiTTing To celebrate a Twofer – T-Weeks and Uncle Chris Day, with a Trick or Treat Testimonial.

I Threw Together a Tiny Treasure Tin of Toys and Treats To commemoraTe The occasion.


The Task That I gave The Carpe Diem Connections Facebook Group was To Tell me Tales about Travel.

Two That Transpired were These:

There was also a Tip To Travel The hell out of Florida! (More hurricanes heading Towards Tampa are Terrifying!)

Truthfully, I’m Too Tired To Try To be wiTTy, so I will simply Thank you. Toodaloo!

S-Weeks: September, Snooze, and Shares

September is when I Switch my Seasonal Tree decor!


S-Weeks Started in September! Such a Sweet month. Still Sunny, but with Shades and Shadows as the Seasons Switch from Summer to Fall.

I love Savoring the Smells and Sounds of each Season. September brings Scents and Spices, Savory and Sweet, Stirring through Starbucks or Similar Shops. Steaming Soups or Sloppy Sandwiches, Sending Sensations of warmth and Serenity Seeping through our Souls.

‘S’-periences were Superabundant. I’ll Share a Small Sampling,

“Sky High” at the Chautauqua Silent Film Series with Rodney Sauer on piano
Sweets Shared at a Special Soiree
Seed Library found on a library Scavenger Hunt
Spanish Singers at the Sol Festival


Snooze for Sumptuous Snacking

Sometimes I Spend Sundays Sleeping in. Sometimes I Savor a Sunrise. And Sometimes I Spend time at a Spiritual Service. But I “S’pecially like Sampling Sumptuous Snacks at coffee Shops after Said Slow Sunday Starts.

Snooze Sustenance

My S-Weeks Sunday Sustenance at Snooze was Superb! And So Saludable (‘Saludable’ is Spanish for a Synonym of Strong.) I’m Salivating. I Strongly Suggest you Sample Snooze yourSelf.


Shares from the Carpe Diem Connections Facebook group were Sensational. I’ll Share Some Screen Shots, Specifically from Ken Katz. To See the full Spectrum, come join the group and Share your own Shots!


S-Weeks have been Super-Satisfying. I’m ‘S’tatic! It’s Such a Successful Sensation when Serendipity provides Such Sweet ‘S’-periences as we Slide into the September Season. I ‘S’pecially Savor the Sharing – the Sweets, the Stories, and the ScreenShots.

So long, Sweet S-Weeks. ‘T’easing Starts Tomorrow.

Happy National Register to Vote Day: How You Can Help!

Image Courtesy Sora Shimazaki

Today, Sept.17, is National Register to Vote Day!

For those looking for a bipartisan way to “do something” (quoting Michelle Obama’s legendary plea at the Democratic convention), here’s your chance.

Take Action: Write postcards to the parents of 18-year-olds in Pennsylvania. Remind them to help their kids register to vote.

Elders Make a Difference: Young, old, or in-between, our vote is critical. Forty-five percent of 18-year-olds from Pennsylvania have not yet registered. Let’s get out there and remind them to vote!

From today’s “Third Act” newsletter:

Send Postcards
Inspire young Pennsylvania voters to register and vote in the upcoming election by writing postcards. The deadline to register to vote online in Pennsylvania is October 21st, so order your postcards before September 30th, and mail them out by October 10th!
Sign Up

I’ve already ordered 100 postcards and 100 stamps and excited about the postcard-writing party that I’ll be having!

Though I’m an Independent Centrist, I’m passionate about my choice this year. We all know how important this election is and Pennsylvania is a critical state. But, of course, EVERY state and EVERY vote matters, so get out there and VOTE!

And, for all you high-achievers and people who want to join me in celebrating National Register to Vote Day, sign up to send post cards!

R-Weeks: Rainbows, Restaurants, and Reflections

Rainbow at Red Rocks


I’ve been Ready for R-Weeks. Right at the end of Q-Weeks, I was at Red Rocks and witnessed a Radiant Rainbow. Rainbows Represent Rapture to me. They Raise my mood and Remind me of the beauty that can follow the Rain.

My choir is singing a Rendition of The Rainbow Connection at R upcoming peRfoRmance this month. [Rebecca, Remember R Raw unRehearsed Recording of The Rainbow Connection]? Right. Ret’s keep Rolling.

Rainbows are Reminiscent of Recovery and Rejuvenation. I’m Relieved to have finished a Recent strength-building challenge. That, along with bone density improvements have Restored my Running Resilience. I was Ready foR anotheR Road Race in Rainbow attiRe!

Running a Race with neighboR, Bonnie


Relieved to no longer have eating Restrictions, I Reveled in Re-engaging in Restaurant Rendezvous with fRiends and Relatives. In fact, I believe I went to a Record numbeR of Restaurants in celebRation of R-weeks.

Restaurant Revelry

I Remain committed to eating Relatively healthy foods, but did enjoy a Rare ‘Rita at my Restaurant Reunions.

Rocking at Rock & Rails in Niwot

Though I was Remiss in getting my own photo, my fRiend, Cathy Reminded me that the Rock & Rails event we attended togetheR, was apRopRiate for R-weeks


Cathy and I also Roamed down PeaRl StReet in BouldeR, Rambling and RechaRging as we Reminisced about the old days of Record stoRes.


Sundays R a day of Reflection foR me. I Review the Recent events and Ruminate, Recounting and Remembering all that’s Right in my life.

My granddaughteR, Reneya, tuRned thiRteen. I Relish the Relationship I have with heR.

FoR my CaRpe Diem Connections GRoup, I’d like to Recognize Ronald Richard GaRcia. Ron’s Regular Ruminations R Refreshing oR Rightly Ridiculous!

I’m Really Recharged by the Regular and Resulting HumoR, Rapport, and ‘R’tful Rituals Regarding woRdplay.

Remember, only today Remains Really ‘R’s. Relax. Relinquish all Responsibilities. Ready youRself for the Sweet ‘S’ence of S-weeks.

Q-Weeks: Quotidian Delights, Quintessential Colorado, and Quotes

Quinoa and Quiche: Quotidian Delights during Q-weeks

Quotidian Delights

Q-Weeks remind me of one of my favorite Q-words: Quotidian. I learned of the word, “Quotidian” when reading “The Book of Awesome.” The book described “quotidian” or “every-day” delights in such a way that the reader is ‘Q’d into the fact that we are surrounded by awesome, ordinary experiences and things every day!

In my Quest to celebrate Q’s during Q-Weeks, I Quiver in delight at Quotidian Q-encounters.

I made Quiche and Quinoa to share with my ‘Q’t visitor, Bill. I wish I’d thought to make a charQterie board.

Bill encountered a random Q-siting while Quietly doing Quiz Questions in Spanish with Babel. With his Quick wit and intelligence, he’s Quickly gaining high-Quality results!

Quintessential Colorado

Quintessential Colorado at Cheyenne Mountain Resort in Colorado Springs

Since Bill is visiting from Florida, I wanted to show him some of my favorite sites in Colorado – He was never Querulous even when I was Queer or Quirky.

Some of the highlights in’Q’ded a concert at Red Rocks. (Admittedly, that might have been a better R-Weeks Quest.) We also went to ChautauQua, Pearl Street, and Garden of the Gods. These all Qualify as Q-Weeks Quests because they are Quintessential Colorado.

Our Quads got a good workout and we didn’t have any pe’Q’niary issues, so without Question, it was a Quality Quest.


The Queen of Quotes on the Carpe Diem Connections Facebook group is Heidi McLain.

Heidi posts Quips and Quotidian Quotes even when it’s not Q-Weeks!

During Q-Weeks, I Questioned the others about their own Quips and Quotes.

As always, I appreciate the Quantity and Quality of the participation of the members. They have such creative mental a’Q’ity!

I’m not sure if I’ve reached my Quota of Q’s on this post, but I’d say it’s time to Quit! I’m Ready for R-Weeks!

P-Weeks: Parties, Politics, and Positivity


Partying with my Minnesota Peeps at the North Shore

My P-Weeks Post is Past due! I’ve been Preoccupied, Partying with my Minnesota-based Playful Pals. Picnics are only Part of the Pleasantries. I’ve been Partaking in this annual Palooza since 2016. The best Part, of course, are the People. Patient or Playfully Persnickety, each Personality blends to create the Perfect Party.

Public Pool

P-Weeks were also the Perfect time to take a swim in the Public Pool. I’ve been Pounding the Pavement and Persevering through the Painful strength-training workouts, so a Pool Party for one Provided Precious relief.

Positive Politics

Positive People Politicians

Any People-Pleaser will tell you Politics is not a Particularly Popular Prompt Pick. This is the first time I’m volunteering for a camPaign. Personally, I don’t like to Preach about Politics, but this year, I’m Promoting Positive Politics, which is much more Prevalent in the Harris/Walz campaign.

I see Potential that wasn’t Possible before and I’m Proud to be Putting Productive efforts in Place for this Positive Pick. From a Practical Perspective, I’ve been Putting volunteer efforts into Positive Posts and it’s been Paying off. Harris/Walz are Pulling ahead, Primarily due to my Persistence, according to Political Pundits.

By the way, I’ve always considered the word, “Weird” more Positive than Pejorative, but it does seem to be Plaguing Trump. His Pity Parties are no longer Popular as his support Plummets to new lows.


Positivity is not just a Psychological benefit in Politics, but in all communication. I’m Proud of the Positive Participation that is shared in my Carpe Diem Connections Facebook group.

From the sharing of Pretty Pictures to the Playful Participation in Promoting the letter P, Ronald Richard Garcia’s Performance Procures the Prize!

As we Part ways with P-Weeks, Please continue to Practice Patience, Pray for Peace, and Persevere through Painful Pontification from Pompous Politicians.

Kamala Harris: A Strong Leader

Kamala Harris has officially become the presumptive Democratic nominee for President of the United States of America.

For the past two weeks, I have been on a high, thanks to Kamala Harris joining the Presidential Race.

Trump’s Lack of Leadership

Ever since Donald Trump has been on the scene, I’ve been horrified. As a leader myself and someone who has taught leadership classes, Donald Trump continually exemplifies what NOT to do!

His followers appear to be more interested in his money and power than his integrity.

His lies, racism, disrespect, arrogance, cruelty, and abuse of power are so blatant and appear to be what attracts his base. For the four years that Trump was President, I was embarrassed to be an American.

Now we’ve seen him incite an insurrection and call for the hanging of his own Vice President. We’ve seen him become even more enamored with his own power. We see him ready to support Project 2025 which would send our country back 50 years.

Kamala Harris: A Strong Leader

Kamala Harris is the exact opposite of Donald Trump. She’s charismatic, intelligent, classy, determined, positive and knows how to get things done! What a welcome, joyful politician!

I’m not a Democrat, but a Centrist. I’m even right of center on the question of abortion. Although I don’t believe in abortion for myself, I agree with Harris that such a decision is not one the government should make for me or any woman.

Extremism on either side turns me off. Donald Trump and JD Vance are so extreme they’re not even on the map! Giving Trump power would be reckless and dangerous.

Trump’s argument against Harris includes ridiculous insults about her intelligence and qualifications. Well, we’ve all seen her in action. We’ve seen her raise more money and gain more volunteers in her first week than any other Presidential candidate in history.

Get Involved!

I’ve been involved in a variety of volunteer efforts for the Harris campaign since she announced her candidacy. Everything is so organized! I just finished a two-part training on helping with social media content. This is my first blog post on the subject, but I hope to have a weekly post (probably on LinkedIn) where I welcome discussion.

There are also plenty of events sprouting up organically and otherwise. I found out about an Elders for Kamala Zoom Call by Third Act that’s tomorrow evening.

I also signed up with Voter Protection to help people by answering questions about early voting or registering to vote in their state. I’m hoping to go to one of the battleground states (North Carolina or Arizona) to actually help at the polls.

It’s so empowering to jump on this band-wagon! This is the first time I’ve ever been so excited about a Presidential candidate. I hope you’ll join me in discussions and volunteer efforts. Let’s Win This!

Discussion Question

Do you agree with me that Donald Trump epitomizes poor leadership? If so, why does he have so many followers?

O-Weeks: Outdoors, Organizing, and Optimism

Outdoor concert with Sage & Aera and Xerephone

OK! O has been the letter On board in Our alphabet-inspired year and Overall, O-Weeks have been the Opposite Of Ordinary. I’ve been Obsessing Over the Overwhelming Ongoing news. Sometimes Outrageous, sometimes Optimistic, Onward we go.


We’ve had Outstanding weather and this is the season to enjoy the Outdoors. There are still the summer Outpours, Of course. The Olympics Opening ceremony Occurred Outdoors last night amidst an Outpouring of rain.

However, at the Outdoor concert (a mini-Orchestra) I attended, the sky was Opalescent as we listened to the sweet sounds of Sage & Aera, along with Xerephine On harp.

Other Outdoor events Occur all summer – picnics, movies, hikes – Any Organizer will Opt to host Outdoors with Others for Optimum Oxytocin.



Not Only in my Occupation have I enjoyed Order, but even Outside of work, I thrive On being Organized.

I tend to Overthink, but when I Organize my thoughts, plans, and actions, I feel productive and accomplished.

This week, I wrote about how I was able to Overcome Osteoporosis. Now my focus is to build strength by Obeying a plan designed to Optimize health. The diet plan is not Only to prevent Obesity, but designed to Obtain muscle.


Finally, I’m Optimistic about the future Of the country.

Though my Origins were Republican, I Own up to my detest for the Old, Odd, Oppressive Republican nominee. Though I don’t agree with all the Opinions of the left, I’m Overjoyed that Kamala Harris is the new presumptive Democratic nominee. To prevent an Oligarchy, I’m throwing my full support behind Harris, Onboarding for volunteer efforts! I’m going On Overdrive to get an Outstanding candidate into the Oval Office!

And Of Course, I want to Offer thanks to my Carpe Diem Connections Facebook group, for their Optimism and Ongoing Participation.

Organic O-Week Post about Oshkosh

Whether Organic or Outlandish, I hope you all are finding humor and Optimism in life. Over and Out!

Overcoming Osteoporosis

Remarkable 66.67% improvement in Bone Density in my Lumbar Spine!

If you’ve heard overcoming osteoporosis is impossible, read on.

The Fears of Osteoporosis

“Prepare yourself for a life of pain.”

Even though that’s not exactly what the doctor said, she implied it, telling me her grandmother, who had osteoporosis, had suffered terrible pain.

Osteoporosis, or low bone density, is known to be a degenerative disease that progresses with time. Osteoporosis often leads to fractures, which are painful. In particular, my lumbar spine was at high risk because I also have severe scoliosis – a curved lower spine, also degenerative.

That doctor advised me to take controversial medications for my osteoporosis, and when I told her I wanted to try natural remedies, she was very dismissive.

I got a second opinion from a much more positive (and professional) doctor. This doctor agreed that my bone density was a serious problem that needed to be monitored, but was open to trying natural remedies.

Using Algaecal to Overcome Osteoporosis

I researched my options and discovered AlgaeCal.

Though I once thought it would be impossible, my lumbar spine bone density T-score numbers went from -2.7 (Osteoporosis) to -0.9 (Normal) over 5 years. This result was without the use of any controversial pharmaceuticals.

Instead I used Algaecal’s Bone Booster Supplements, which includes plant-based calcium.

Lumbar Spine T-Score:

  • 8/5/2020: -2.7
  • 7/26/2021: -2.2
  • 8/24/2022: -1.8
  • 6/20/2023: -1.4
  • 6/11/2024: -0.9

Everyone’s body is unique, so, of course, this solution may not be right for you. However, I certainly was amazed and excited by the results!

I’ll also note that on the initial year of using AlgaeCal, my lumber spine T-score actually went down. However, the T-scores of my hips improved, so I decided to stick with the supplements.

I was thrilled, that my lumbar spine (the area that I was most concerned about) improved to the point of no longer even being in the osteopenia (yellow flag) category. However, my left hip, while improved, is still in the osteopenia range.

OsteoStrong for Overcoming Osteoporosis

Another option that I tried for a few months was OsteoStrong, in Boulder, a specialized gym designed to build bone density. The coaches there were really helpful and I was really grateful that this modern-day option was available.

An OsteoStrong workout uses machines that are kind of like weight machines that you supply a load which your bones resist against. Once you pass a threshold, your body is actively building bone.

The OsteoStrong workout only takes about 10 minutes once a week. It was absolutely easier than a typical strength-building workout. Vibration plates are also available which help with building bone density.

AlgaeCal products sold at OsteoStrong gym

Diet and Exercise for Bone Health

Of course, bone-friendly diet and bone-building exercise is one of the easiest, most natural things we can do to keep our bones healthy.

Since learning my spine was at high-risk for a fracture, I stopped running, but became obsessive about daily walking. I also became more educated about the foods that were best for building bones.

There are a great variety of resources out there to help. I’m so grateful that bone loss progression is no longer inevitable.

If you have osteopenia or osteoporosis, don’t despair! You, too, can reverse this prognosis! Check out AlgaeCal and OsteoStrong.

Note: For those who want to try AlgaeCal, if you order by phone and mention my name, we will both get discounts on our orders.