2024: An Alphabet-Inspired Year

I recently made a case against the idea of an “Anti-Bucket List.” In that post, I wrote that I like to create a yearly project filled with “trivial” goals. This year my project seems less than trivial. It might be described as Dr.Seuss-level silly.

Every two weeks I use a letter of the alphabet to help provide prompts throughout the 2-week iteration. (My background as an Agile coach is showing itself, I know.)

Even though this sounds like an exercise from Kindergarten, I’m finding it unexpectedly fun. My 3 requirements are that I use the theme letter to:

1) Go on some kind of little adventure

2) Spark conversation in the Facebook Carpe Diem Connections Group and

3) Write a blog post annoyingly full of alliteration.

Though I started out being embarrassed at this very simple-minded project, I’m 6 iterations in now, and writing my letter-themed blog post has become an enjoyable creative writing exercise. I also really enjoy the Facebook banter and the theme-based microadventures.

This post will be my “Master” post placeholder that I’ll continue to add to throughout the year. I’m hoping this will keep me motivated to finish through those tough letters that come at the end of the alphabet!

A-Weeks: Alphabet Assists
B-Weeks: Bradenton Beach, Belonging and Being
C-Weeks: Connections and Companionship
D-Weeks: Dollar Tree, Death, and Dance
E-Weeks: Elderberries, Escape Room, Ego and Engagement
F-Weeks: Field Trips, Facebook Facilitation
G-Weeks: Goodness, Gardner, God, and Groups
H-Weeks: Happiness, Hygge, and Haikus
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