T-Weeks: T-Party, Tidds, and Travel

Texas Hold’em T-Party

Today iT’s Time to Talk about T-Weeks!

Texas Hold’em T-Party

T is a Terrific Theme for a Texas Hold’em T-Party. Our aTTire was Trendy with T-shirts, Ties, Tassels, a Tam, and Tops of Teal and Tan. I had a Two-Tone Tye-Dye with Torn Trousers and Top Hat.

The Troop Took my requesT for plen’T’ of ‘T’sing Thoughtfully. We aTe Tacos, with Tomatoes and Toppings. Tostados and Tortilla Toasts all Tasted Tremendous. To quench our Thirst, of course, There was Tea!

Tacos, Toppings, Toast, and Tea!

For Treats we had Twizzlers, Twix bars, and Tiramisu Thins. Though Texas Hold’em was The only Tournament game, There was Table Tennis, TV, and more Table games for The Team.

The Tidds

The Tidds

Let me Tell you about a Terrific Team – my daughTer, Megan, her husband, Chris, and Their Two Teens, Diego & Reneya. Together, They are The Tidds. Time Together is Treasured.

Tidd Treasure

On sepTember Twenty-eighTh, we celebraTe “Uncle Chris Day.” My broTher, Chris, would have been Turning 63. Chris Thrived on Teases and Treats, so iTs fiTTing To celebrate a Twofer – T-Weeks and Uncle Chris Day, with a Trick or Treat Testimonial.

I Threw Together a Tiny Treasure Tin of Toys and Treats To commemoraTe The occasion.


The Task That I gave The Carpe Diem Connections Facebook Group was To Tell me Tales about Travel.

Two That Transpired were These:

There was also a Tip To Travel The hell out of Florida! (More hurricanes heading Towards Tampa are Terrifying!)

Truthfully, I’m Too Tired To Try To be wiTTy, so I will simply Thank you. Toodaloo!

S-Weeks: September, Snooze, and Shares

September is when I Switch my Seasonal Tree decor!


S-Weeks Started in September! Such a Sweet month. Still Sunny, but with Shades and Shadows as the Seasons Switch from Summer to Fall.

I love Savoring the Smells and Sounds of each Season. September brings Scents and Spices, Savory and Sweet, Stirring through Starbucks or Similar Shops. Steaming Soups or Sloppy Sandwiches, Sending Sensations of warmth and Serenity Seeping through our Souls.

‘S’-periences were Superabundant. I’ll Share a Small Sampling,

“Sky High” at the Chautauqua Silent Film Series with Rodney Sauer on piano
Sweets Shared at a Special Soiree
Seed Library found on a library Scavenger Hunt
Spanish Singers at the Sol Festival


Snooze for Sumptuous Snacking

Sometimes I Spend Sundays Sleeping in. Sometimes I Savor a Sunrise. And Sometimes I Spend time at a Spiritual Service. But I “S’pecially like Sampling Sumptuous Snacks at coffee Shops after Said Slow Sunday Starts.

Snooze Sustenance

My S-Weeks Sunday Sustenance at Snooze was Superb! And So Saludable (‘Saludable’ is Spanish for a Synonym of Strong.) I’m Salivating. I Strongly Suggest you Sample Snooze yourSelf.


Shares from the Carpe Diem Connections Facebook group were Sensational. I’ll Share Some Screen Shots, Specifically from Ken Katz. To See the full Spectrum, come join the group and Share your own Shots!


S-Weeks have been Super-Satisfying. I’m ‘S’tatic! It’s Such a Successful Sensation when Serendipity provides Such Sweet ‘S’-periences as we Slide into the September Season. I ‘S’pecially Savor the Sharing – the Sweets, the Stories, and the ScreenShots.

So long, Sweet S-Weeks. ‘T’easing Starts Tomorrow.

R-Weeks: Rainbows, Restaurants, and Reflections

Rainbow at Red Rocks


I’ve been Ready for R-Weeks. Right at the end of Q-Weeks, I was at Red Rocks and witnessed a Radiant Rainbow. Rainbows Represent Rapture to me. They Raise my mood and Remind me of the beauty that can follow the Rain.

My choir is singing a Rendition of The Rainbow Connection at R upcoming peRfoRmance this month. [Rebecca, Remember R Raw unRehearsed Recording of The Rainbow Connection]? Right. Ret’s keep Rolling.

Rainbows are Reminiscent of Recovery and Rejuvenation. I’m Relieved to have finished a Recent strength-building challenge. That, along with bone density improvements have Restored my Running Resilience. I was Ready foR anotheR Road Race in Rainbow attiRe!

Running a Race with neighboR, Bonnie


Relieved to no longer have eating Restrictions, I Reveled in Re-engaging in Restaurant Rendezvous with fRiends and Relatives. In fact, I believe I went to a Record numbeR of Restaurants in celebRation of R-weeks.

Restaurant Revelry

I Remain committed to eating Relatively healthy foods, but did enjoy a Rare ‘Rita at my Restaurant Reunions.

Rocking at Rock & Rails in Niwot

Though I was Remiss in getting my own photo, my fRiend, Cathy Reminded me that the Rock & Rails event we attended togetheR, was apRopRiate for R-weeks


Cathy and I also Roamed down PeaRl StReet in BouldeR, Rambling and RechaRging as we Reminisced about the old days of Record stoRes.


Sundays R a day of Reflection foR me. I Review the Recent events and Ruminate, Recounting and Remembering all that’s Right in my life.

My granddaughteR, Reneya, tuRned thiRteen. I Relish the Relationship I have with heR.

FoR my CaRpe Diem Connections GRoup, I’d like to Recognize Ronald Richard GaRcia. Ron’s Regular Ruminations R Refreshing oR Rightly Ridiculous!

I’m Really Recharged by the Regular and Resulting HumoR, Rapport, and ‘R’tful Rituals Regarding woRdplay.

Remember, only today Remains Really ‘R’s. Relax. Relinquish all Responsibilities. Ready youRself for the Sweet ‘S’ence of S-weeks.

N-Weeks: Noshing, Niwot, and Nice News

Noshing on N-Foods

I “N”-tered iNto N-Weeks kNowing that words that started with N were Not as Numerous as others letters. It’s Not a Necessity to ‘N-N’date this ‘N’tire post simply with words that start with the letter ‘N’ when there are an ‘N’ordiNate Number of words that start with the ‘N’ sound. Let’s be ‘N’ovative with our ‘N’ergy and Not be Negative about ‘N’ything. No Need for preconceived Notions of Normalcy.


Nourishing or Not, I like to use the celebrated letter to Nudge myself iNto Nibbling on New foods.

This News article introduces 30 Foods that start with N from Nutmeg to Nonda plums. I gave a Nod to the Nectarine – Not ‘N’tirely New, but Not Normally something I’d choose.

Nectarine – Num, Num!

Now that I kNow how Nectarous Nectarines are, I’ll be eating a lot more of them! iN fact, I made a Nutritional Neoteric Nectarine’N’Nutty ‘N’salada iN celebration.

Noodles & Company

I also ‘N’joyed a Nonsensical Night Nibbling on Noodles with Scotty who was in towN! Nutella, Nori, Nuts, Naked juice, and Nestle tollhouse cookie dough were Noted Noshables.


2Nd Nature in Niwot, Colorado

North of my home in Superior, CO, is a little towN Named Niwot. Nestled Neatly Near Boulder, Niwot hosts summer Niceties like Friday Night art walks and daNcing uNder the stars.

aNtiques iN Niwot

My friend, Mary aNd I, ‘N’joyed the Nostalgic kNick-kNacks that filled this aNtique store.


The Natural surroundings in Niwot were Nurturing. This Nature picture is actually from my Neighborhood, but represeNts Nirvana – Nothing but Nice feelings that my Niwot Night ‘N’voked.

Nice News

One of my favorite Newsletters is the daily Nice News. I shared this Napa Valley Nice News by Norah with my Carpe Diem CoNNectioNs Facebook group

National News is Notorious for Noise and Nastiness, but Nice News helps to remiNd us that our Nation is full of humaNity and kiNdNess.

iNdepeNdeNce Day

My N-Nudge for the Carpe Diem CoNNections group this week was “New” remiNding the group that doiNg New things helps build Neuroplasticity.

As is the Norm, I draw a lot of ‘N’ergy from the Nonsense that can ‘N’sue oN the Facebook group.

Let me just ‘N’d by Noting that I kNow National News is Not to be igNored. But today, let’s turN dowN the Noise aNd ‘N’gage iN Nonsense or Nothing at all.


I-Weeks: Ice Cream, Images, and Internet

I-Weeks: Indulging In Ice Cream

I-Weeks: Ice Cream Indulgence

I’ve been Imagining Ice Cream since the Initial days of I-Weeks! I Indulged Individually. (I’m Independent that way.) But, of course, I also Issued an Invitation to my MLC learner and her Irresistible Infant during our final Informal In-person get-together.

Our Informal Instructions are Improvised and sometimes Inspired by Interacting about Information pertaining to the celebrated letter.

“I Before E” Is Irrelevant Instruction (Image taken from a Facebook post)

In an Inordinate number of Instances, Inglish spelling Is Infuriating. Indeed, I’m Intentionally Inundating this post, even spelling Inglish Incorrectly, just to be Irritating (and to Introduce more I-words).

I-Weeks: Images

In my Inbox, I often receive Interesting Invitations Involving my iPhone. I took an iPhone Photography class and this week, the same photographer was offering an Instagram class. I’ve been Interested in Improving my Influencing skills with better Images, so I signed up!

My photography and Instagram skills are In their Infancy, so I’m Insecure. However, the Idea off capturing Incredible Images of joy, Is, In Itself, an Illusive goal to keep me Inspired.

An Inadvertent I-Weeks discovery was an Innovative park at The Bay in Sarasota called “Ibis Playground.” I’m Inserting an Incredibly Inferior Image as an Indication of the “before Instruction” quality of my Images.

Inferior Image of Ibis Innovation

I’m Intrigued by the Infinite and Illuminating expressions that can be made simply with ones “I”s (eyes). (This time I’ll Insert an Internet Image.)

Internet Image of potato with “I”s (Eyes)

I-Weeks: Internet

It’s my final week of the snowbird season, so I’ve Intentionally avoided the Internet. Instead, I’ve spent Impromptu time, enjoying the Idyllic Iridescent ocean.

The beauty of my surroundings has been Ineffable. In-person Interactions have been Illuminating.

Inevitably, however, the Intelligent Interactions of the Internet are Irresistible. (In particular, the Carpe Diem Connections Facebook group.)

The answers to my request for Individual Introductions Include these Insights:

In Conclusion

I-Weeks remind us to be Intentional about the Infinite choices In life. Invest In Individual Innovative Ideas. Introspect on your Identity. In-joy the Ineffable. And above all, Indulge In Ice Cream!

2024: An Alphabet-Inspired Year

Each year, I enjoy having a project that will help prompt my blog posts and my Carpe Diem Lifestyle. In 2024, I decided the Alphabet provided just the right number of letters to have a year full of letter-based themed fun.

Every two weeks I use a letter of the alphabet to help provide prompts throughout the 2-week iteration.

Even though this sounds like an exercise from Kindergarten, I’m finding it unexpectedly fun. My 3 requirements: I use the theme letter to:

1) Go on at least one microadventure, creatively paying tribute to the celebrated letter

2) Spark conversation in the Facebook Carpe Diem Connections Group and

3) Write a blog post annoyingly full of alliteration.

Though I started out being embarrassed at this very simple-minded project, I’ve found that writing my letter-themed blog post has become an enjoyable creative writing exercise. I also really enjoy the Facebook banter and the theme-based microadventures.

This post is my “Master” post placeholder that I’ll continue to add to throughout the year. I’m hoping this will keep me motivated to finish through those tough letters that come at the end of the alphabet!

A-Weeks: Alphabet Assists
B-Weeks: Bradenton Beach, Belonging and Being
C-Weeks: Connections and Companionship
D-Weeks: Dollar Tree, Death, and Dance
E-Weeks: Elderberries, Escape Room, Ego and Engagement
F-Weeks: Field Trips, Facebook Facilitation
G-Weeks: Goodness, Gardner, God, and Groups
H-Weeks: Happiness, Hygge, and Haikus
I-Weeks: Ice Cream, Images, and Internet
J-Weeks: Journey, Joy, and Jokes
K-Weeks: Kataluma, Kismet, and Kindness
L-Weeks: Lovely Ladies, Lilacs, and Laughter
M-Weeks: Memories, Music, and Merriment
N-Weeks: Noshing, Niwot, and Nice News

F-Weeks: Field Trips, Facebook Facilitation, and Fun

As we Finalize F-Weeks and I reFlect, I’m Fired up about Fulfilling the goals of my self-assigned Framework. Three Functional Outputs? A Field Trip, Facebook Facilitation, and Finally, a Blog Post Filled with the Focus-Letter. Most importantly, the overall goal is to have Fun.

F-Weeks Field Trips

Free 5K Fun Runs Weekly at 99Bottles in Sarasota, Florida

My F-Weeks Field trip was a Free Five-K Fun Run in downtown Sarasota, Florida. Running a 5K each month is a 2024 Fitness goal, so this Field trip Functioned as a TwoFer, helping me Fulfill two goals at once.

Of course, F-Focused Field trips are inFinite when you’re in Florida, since you can simply count anything. I actually had a Fantastic time with a new Friend, Sue Ellen, seeing a musical perFormed at the freeFall theater in St. Petersburg, Florida on March 3rd.

Seeing Kurt Vonnegut’s God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater at freeFall Theater Company

Technically, I Engaged in this Excursion on the day Ending E-Weeks, so I inwardly Frowned upon it “counting” as my oFFicial F-Week Field Trip. It wouldn’t be Fair to my inner rule-Follower. But Field Trips with Friends are more Fun than those done alone. Because it was the Final day of E-Weeks, I Find in Favor of granting Extra Fine credit For this EFfy EdFenture.

Facebook Facilitation

Since Forming the Carpe Diem Connections Facebook Group, I have tried to Foster a Feeling of Fáilte. The Focus-letter has helped provide Fodder For prompts For Folly and Fotos.

Whether or not the discussion or posts are Filled with the Focus Letter is irrelevant. Of course, I love any creativity that comes From working in the theme letter. Let me Feature a Few examples.

Heidi posted an “F”emerol Fog Foto and Ron Filled the group with Fotos of Friendship, Flamingos, and Foxes.

John Fakes commented, “F is For Fakes,” to which I pointed out the Fallacy of Fakes News. (John Fakes is Funny and Full of… let’s call it Farts in honor of F-Weeks.)

Kelly posed the riddle:

Can you name an 8 letter word with 4 f’s?

Heidi immediately replied “niff-naff.” That was a new word (or is it a Frase?) For me (I love learning new words!) It reminded me of “riffraff” which Kelly said was the word he had in mind.

“F is for Famous: Who’s the most Famous person you’ve met?” resulted in Fascinating stories! My Favorite was from Elizabethe:

Dan Brown writer of Davinci code was at my Fortieth bday party, gave me a flawless bottle of fermented faber grapes from France. Everyone had to dress as their favorite feminist. I went as Zelda Fitzgerald. After I drank a glass, I fainted and my glass fell on his foot. Not a fabrication!

This Factual story of Feminist Fitzgerald in a Femme Fatale scenario with Famous Fiction-writer, Dan Brown, was Fantastic!

Mike Cohn, who I noted as my Favorite Famous person, worked in a 2nd-hand F-bomb to his answer:

Either Drake in a hotel in London or basketball player Bill Walton in the security line at the airport and then in the United Airlines lounge. I once met Lemmy of Motorhead deplaning in London but he told me to “F*** off” when I said hello.

There were more than a Few other Fabulous stories, most of them totally F’ed up in some creative way.

F-Weeks Fun: Flamingos, Flowers, and Frumples

Flowers Fill my Flamingo Vase

Even a Frugal Female like me can buy myself Flowers. (Duh, Miley!) I especially like to Fill my Flamingo vase with these pink tiger lilies with blooms resembling Flamingo Feathers.

Fruity Flip Flops in a Flamingo container

I’m a bit of a Flamingo Freak, and, as mentioned during E-Weeks, my Friends had the Foresight to gift me with Flamingo niFF-naFF. (HopeFully, I’m using this new word appropriately).

A new discovery: Frumples!

One of the most Fun things about my letter-play is when I Find something unexpected and new. There was a Female at a Farmer’s Market selling these Fanciful Frumples.

Frumple Founder, Paula Knudsen, told me her story and the Frumple story. They are not only a Fun Fashion-statement, but can help your Focus and energy.


I Feel Fortunate to have Friends, Family, Faith, Fitness, and even Flamingos in my life. Despite Flatulence and Foolishness, I have Followers.. OK, maybe not Face to Face Followers. Maybe just a Few Followers.. Forget the Followers. I have Facebook. Farewell Fun F-Weeks!

D-Weeks: Dollar Tree, Death, and Dance

My Carpe Diem Logo

It’s D-Weeks so let’s Carpe ‘D’em!

It’s a Coincidental Delight that in this Alphabet Inspired Year, C and D-Weeks fall in February when we celebrate Carpe Diem Day. I was going to try and have this whole blog post be full of CD stuff, like Corn Dogs, Carbon Dioxide, Compact Discs and Cognitive Decline. But those were the only CD phrases I Could Drum up, so I Decided to Double Down on D’s which is this week’s Designated letter after all.

D-Weeks: Dollar Tree


Since this week was Valentine’s Day, I Deliberately Drove to Dollar Tree, where I had no Doubt that there’d be Dozens of Deals. The Decorations were Dizzying.

DIY Supplies

Next I visited the DIY aisle where I believe I might have Drooled at all the DooDads on Display. Just Dreaming about the Dates I’d get after Delivering my DIY Valentines filled me with Desire. (Do you Detect Delusion?)

Delicious Deals

Delicious Deals were on Display, tempting me like the Devil! Delectable Desserts and Delicacies just waiting to be Devoured.

D-Weeks: Death

I Don’t know if it’s too Dark to Drag Death into this D-Post. I admit, I’ve been Down in the Dumps at the Death of a Dear friend. It feels Disrespectful to Disregard the Depth of Depression that comes with such loss, Dallying with D’s.

Though it’s a bit Dotty, it’s also Distracting to Do this Drill. My Carpe Diem Superhero friend, would Discourage me from Denying the Dork Deep within. “Don’t ‘Delay! Do the ‘Dee’d for D-Weeks,” she’d Declare!

D-Weeks: Dance

Disco Dancing

We have one more week to Demonstrate Dedication to the letter D. I will be Departing on Sunday for a 7-Day Cruise. It’s Disappointing that none of the Designated ports start with the letter ‘D’ (On second thought, who would want to get D-ported?)

We Don’t need to Decry Defeat, because I plan to Dance to Demonstrate my Devotion to the letter D! In fact, I’m posting a Disco Dance vi’Dee’o that I made During CoviD. In fact, I’d like to Declare it a CoviDeo.

I’ll Depart with one of my favorite Carpe Diem songs: Lee Ann Womack’s “I Hope You Dance.”

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

I hope you dance… I hope you dance.