I’ve been Ready for R-Weeks. Right at the end of Q-Weeks, I was at Red Rocks and witnessed a Radiant Rainbow. Rainbows Represent Rapture to me. They Raise my mood and Remind me of the beauty that can follow the Rain.
My choir is singing a Rendition of The Rainbow Connection at R upcoming peRfoRmance this month. [Rebecca, Remember R Raw unRehearsed Recording of The Rainbow Connection]? Right. Ret’s keep Rolling.
Rainbows are Reminiscent of Recovery and Rejuvenation. I’m Relieved to have finished a Recent strength-building challenge. That, along with bone density improvements have Restored my Running Resilience. I was Ready foR anotheR Road Race in Rainbow attiRe!

Relieved to no longer have eating Restrictions, I Reveled in Re-engaging in Restaurant Rendezvous with fRiends and Relatives. In fact, I believe I went to a Record numbeR of Restaurants in celebRation of R-weeks.

I Remain committed to eating Relatively healthy foods, but did enjoy a Rare ‘Rita at my Restaurant Reunions.

Though I was Remiss in getting my own photo, my fRiend, Cathy Reminded me that the Rock & Rails event we attended togetheR, was apRopRiate for R-weeks

Cathy and I also Roamed down PeaRl StReet in BouldeR, Rambling and RechaRging as we Reminisced about the old days of Record stoRes.
Sundays R a day of Reflection foR me. I Review the Recent events and Ruminate, Recounting and Remembering all that’s Right in my life.
My granddaughteR, Reneya, tuRned thiRteen. I Relish the Relationship I have with heR.

FoR my CaRpe Diem Connections GRoup, I’d like to Recognize Ronald Richard GaRcia. Ron’s Regular Ruminations R Refreshing oR Rightly Ridiculous!

I’m Really Recharged by the Regular and Resulting HumoR, Rapport, and ‘R’tful Rituals Regarding woRdplay.
Remember, only today Remains Really ‘R’s. Relax. Relinquish all Responsibilities. Ready youRself for the Sweet ‘S’ence of S-weeks.