Microadventure #35 Walk at Pella Crossing with Glenn

Glenn and me on a Walk at Pella Crossing Near Hygiene

The first few days I was back in Colorado, the weather was very cold and gloomy. I was colder in the first week of May in Colorado than I’d been all winter in Florida. It was downright depressing! In fact, I’ve seriously been thinking about selling my Colorado house. But I digress.

I know that when I start feeling depressed one of the best remedies for me is to get outside and walk. I checked Meetup and saw that Glenn Pinkerton, one of my favorite Walk/Hike Buddies, had scheduled a walk in a place I’d never been: Pella Crossing Near Hygiene.

Glenn is the primary leader of the Grey Wolves Meetup Group – a group that I’ve been a member of for at least 15 years. Only one other person, a nice guy named Lance, showed up for this walk. That ended up being great because Glenn and Lance were both excellent conversationalists so I was entertained and interested the whole time we walked.

The walk itself was much like a Florida walk, flat with ponds and water-birds. In fact, I would have thought I still was in Florida except the weather was cold!

Despite the cloudy, cool weather, by the end of the hike, I was no longer depressed at all. Walking, nature, and good conversation are the perfect recipe for improving one’s mood!

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