
Awareness and Mindfulness with &Happiness Host Klaudia Mitura

The thing I like most about hosting my Carpe Diem Connections podcast is the connections I myself make. It’s like a scavenger hunt to find fascinating guests — and I have this great big World Wide Web to look for them.

I hit the jackpot with the guest on my podcast this week, Klaudia Mitura. She’s an award-winning podcaster herself of the popular podcast &Happiness. One morning I asked Alexa to play a Happiness podcast for me and she played this one! Klaudia and her co-host, Kitty Newman use the letters of the alphabet as prompts to do a deeper dive into different types of Happiness. Theme-nut that I am, I was immediately hooked!

It was clear, after listening to a few episodes, that Klaudia knew not only a lot about happiness, but about the science behind our emotions as well. I was thrilled when she agreed to be on my podcast, talking about the 4th Key of Happiness as defined by Action for Happiness: Awareness.

In this episode, I question Klaudia about the practice of meditation. Being a bit of a skeptic and a person who definitely does not want to spend time thinking about nothing but my breath, I’ve been slow to fully embrace meditation, despite its constant recommendations in happiness literature. Listening to Klaudia about her thoughts and explanations was enlightening.

We also talk a bit about the practice of Emotional Intelligence and practices besides meditation that encourage being present and mindful.

Tune in and let us know what you think on the Carpe Diem Connections Facebook Group. Or, if you prefer, view the YouTube video of our Zoom interview.

And don’t forget! This month is Carpe Diem Day and I’m hosting contests! Come play!

National Wear Red Day Contest Results

Yesterday was the first of my February contests. I asked people to post their National Wear Red Day pictures on my Carpe Diem Connections Facebook Group and tag with #carpediemday.

I wasn’t really sure what to expect. This whole month I’m experimenting with trying to get more exposure for Carpe Diem Day and having fun celebrating various wacky holidays. It’s just so much more fun to be playing with other people.

I picked National Wear Red Day to start with because I figured it should be kind of easy for people to find something red to wear and post a picture. I didn’t put any “rules” around how I’d pick a winner. I wanted to see what people would come up with without much guidance about what “qualified” for a prize.

Here are some of the great entries! I just love the creativity!

Fellow National Days Ambassador Meghan looking bold and sassy!
Lee says: "Red reminds me to celebrate, to stop and smell the (red) roses, to create and give red-hearted valentines, and to party with loved ones until the (red) rooster crows!"

I love Lee's mysterious tease as she peeks out of her long red cape.
John says: “For many years, RED (Remember Everyone Deployed) Friday has been a national campaign to encourage Americans to wear red to show support for deployed military men and women. Red also symbolizes the blood spilled by those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice”
Stephanie says: “I am a Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivor. I now have an ICD that has saved me multiple times. Everyday is a blessing to me, a gift to wake up everyday.”

Eva’s red shoes walked 10891 steps yesterday. She keeps her heart healthy with daily walking.

Crystal says: “We wear red for CHD awareness❣️❣️
Friend and fellow-theme-dresser Heather says: “I had to work in the lab. But you know I still wore red and all my hearts!”
My sister, Michele said: “Happy “Wear Red Day”!! I’m happy and blessed to have a healthy heart, both figuratively and literally! And red is truly one of my favorite colors. Hooray for Red and Hearts and living life fully!”
Ron posted a Red Poppy in honor of the poignant poem, In Flander’s Field
Tony got his Red Superhero on!

Sean and Jack didn’t have any red, but still get mentions due to their supportive posts. Even though Sean was working, he posted a fun red Gif. And I’m very grateful to Becky and Shirley for passing on the word of the contest! Ashley also posted a supportive heart and has a whole event she’s sponsoring for the month of February!

All who participated (including those who shared the link or shared their support, even if they didn’t post a picture) are going to get a Valentine from me in which I pay them a genuine compliment (in honor of today, Pay A Compliment Day.). I’ll put the Valentines in my special Valentine basket and pull one out to reveal the $25 prize winner!

I had fun thinking about some fun prizes like some red sparkly piece of attire – shoes, mask, bowtie, or shirt.. Or I thought about a $25 donation to the American Heart Association.. Or maybe a Red Carpe Diem shirt? But, I decided to let the winner pick their own prize so they can get exactly what they want!

Now, on to the video for the Big Reveal of the Grand Prize Winner!

Who’s the big winner?

National Carpe Diem Day Contests

Carpe Diem Day!

Seize the Day Every Day

National Carpe Diem Day is February 26th. Throughout the month of February, 2021, I’ll be hosting 3 #CarpeDiemDay contests. The winners will receive a personalized prize designed to help them live more fully and find ways to “Seize the Day” despite the pandemic.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Join Carpe Diem Connections Facebook Group
  2. Post a picture and tag with #carpediemday
  3. You can also post text, describing how you are “seizing the day” despite the pandemic.

Contest 1: National Wear Red Day on February 5, 2021

Contest 2: National Umbrella Day on February 10, 2021

Contest 3: National Carpe Diem Day on February 26, 2021

  1. Examples include any inspirational pictures or stories of people helping or finding ways to celebrate, adapt, innovate, be creative, connect, and have fun in safe, healthy, positive ways.
  2. Help me spread the word! Please share and retweet.

Websites and Social Media

CarpeDiemDay Website:

Carpe Diem Connections Facebook Page

Carpe Diem Connections Facebook Group:

Carpe Diem Connections Podcast:


National Carpe Diem Day is February 26th.  However, of course, we want to make every day meaningful!

I’ve made it my mission to actively promote and help others celebrate and create a “Carpe Diem Mindset.” I think this has been especially important in when the world has been struggling with the challenges of the Global Pandemic.  I’m especially keen to get National Carpe Diem Day recognized in 2021 while people are still struggling. We don’t need to wait for our challenges to be resolved in order to celebrate each day. It’s more important than ever to celebrate in spite of the challenges!

I’ve created this Website (  that shares many other Websites and resources aimed at helping others live full and meaningful lives and fostering deep and meaningful connections. 

I host a weekly Carpe Diem Connections Podcast aimed at sharing ideas and talking to guests aimed at living a full and meaningful life. I also manage an active Facebook community of others who are living fully and sharing ideas and deep connections.  

The Inspiration

In 2010, I lost a good friend, Craig Dunham, to ALS. Craig taught me the importance of living each day fully, despite the challenges we’re facing in our lives. I’ve written and spoken a lot about Craig. Passing along his message helps me to keep his spirit and legacy alive and pass forward his personal message of living fully: 

I especially appreciate the opportunity to show my children how life can be lived without anger, resentment, bitterness or regrets.  I have purged all of that from my life and intend to leave this life with nothing but love, acceptance, forgiveness and compassion in my heart.  I am so ready to live life to its fullest, I only wish I would have thought to do it sooner.

~ Craig Dunham – upon learning of his ALS Diagnosis

Since his death in 2010, I have used “Carpe Diem” as a mantra in his honor, and as a reminder to live fully despite the challenges that life throws you.  CD are both the initials of Craig’s name as well as the initials of Carpe Diem and form the emblem of Super Carpe Diem Woman, who leads the Walk to Defeat ALS.

I was honored on my 60th birthday after a 60-week Carpe Diem project to be gifted with National Carpe Diem Day by my family and friends.

Ways to Celebrate Carpe Diem Day

  • Pay tribute to those who have died by spending the day doing something they loved or that you loved doing together
  • Share your passion with someone you love
  • Make amends with those you love
  • Take a small step toward meeting a big goal
  • Dress in costume and have fun
  • Creatively enjoy theme-based celebrations throughout the year using unusual special days as prompts
  • Give yourself a positive affirmation
  • Set a goal that will bring more love into your life
  • Get a makeover
  • Take a picture with someone you love
  • Send a surprise letter to someone you love
  • Do something kind for someone
  • Reframe a rejection
  • Celebrate your age
  • Say “thank you” to someone in your life
  • Go on a nature walk
  • Sign up for an event that benefits a charity
  • Cook a new recipe
  • Learn a new dance move
  • Reach out to an old friend
  • Have a virtual reunion with friends from all over the world
  • Look through old photos
  • Meditate
  • Sing, play, or listen to music that inspires you to live life fully
  • Host a virtual theme party
  • Learn about a new place and make plans to visit there once there are no restrictions
  • Read a bestseller or recommended book
  • Watch an Oscar-nominated movie
  • Clean out old clutter
  • Research and accomplish a DIY repair job
  • Buy something fun from an online store
  • Contribute your time or dollars to an important cause  like the ALS Association

Exercise and Happiness with Sarah Schwallier

Sarah Schwallier of Strides Life introduces herself as a nature walking health coach. She has a passion for helping others be their most healthy selves and to achieve their goals, whether that’s to lose weight, build strength, or just to get moving.

In this episode of Carpe Diem Connections, Sarah and I talk about the 3rd Key to Happiness as defined by Action for Happiness: Exercise.

Sarah always adds an element of fun and playfulness to everything she does. I’ve gotten to experience this first-hand as I’ve participated in the Walk2Connect Community where Sarah is a core-coop-owner and leader.

Tune in to the podcast or the YouTube video and find out how you can stay motivated to keep exercising and why that’s so important to both our physical and our mental health!

Then join us on the Carpe Diem Facebook Group and let us know what your favorite type of exercise is.

And then go one step further and join Sarah’s TAG {Kick-Ass Accountability Group}!

Let’s Get Moving for Health and Happiness!

Relating with Wisdom Witch, Wendy Chalmers Mill


In Season 3 of Carpe Diem Connections, we’re talking about the 10 Keys of Happiness. This week the theme is “Relating” or… Social Connection.

My guest this week is Wendy Chalmers Mill, a fellow volunteer at Action for Happiness. We met virtually at a volunteer meeting and discovered we have quite a lot in common.

As we chat about in the podcast episode, meeting via a virtual community is a great way to find some new friends during these crazy days. One of the main reasons I even started this podcast is that I knew it would prompt me to meet some like-minded new friends!

I hit the jackpot in my search for the right guest to talk about Relating when I found Wendy. Not only is she the CEO for Positive Performance, but she started a new community The Wisdom Witches, with the very aim of creating a safe space for connecting during the pandemic.

Wendy, a Humanology Expert, along with her fellow wisdom witches Hazel and Kelly, are described on the Wisdom Witches site this way:

“They collectively have over 100 years of experience in guiding and motivating others to become their best selves through improved connection to their own and others’ wisdom and wellbeing.”

Tune into this week’s podcast or the YouTube video to learn more about Wendy and her insights on social connection and her experience with the Wisdom Witches.

How are you fostering social connection these days? Are you the part of any virtual communities?

A Unique Way of Giving: RedditGifts

This is the card I received when participating in the RedditGifts Card Exchange

Yay! I finally started Season 3 of my Carpe Diem Connections Podcast! This season I’m focusing on the 10 Keys to Happiness as outlined on the Action for Happiness Website.

The first of those 10 keys is Giving. This worked out perfectly because the first guest I wanted to have on Season 3, Kelly Guyon, was someone I “met” because she gave me a beautiful and special Christmas card.

In this episode, we talk about the Reddit Gift Exchange which is a unique way of giving and receiving from someone you don’t know (yet!)

There are a few things that really make this Secret-Santa-like exchange more fun and reliable than what you’d imagine. First, you can find out about your recipient’s tastes through their profile. Second, Reddit steps you through the process including how you can post a photo once you receive your gift. This allows you to publicly thank your thoughtful Secret Santa.

This was the Thank You from the “wine and cheese ornament” that I sent to “Really_Cool_Noodle”
My Glittery Card from Kelly, who is my guest on my Carpe Diem Connections Podcast!

If you want to participate, you don’t have to wait all the way until next Christmas. RedditGifts has a variety of Gift Exchanges throughout the year!

If social media or gift exchanges is not your thing, though, there are lots of ways to give, which has been proven to increase happiness, both for the giver and the receiver!

Smiling, texting, leaving a positive comment, a phone call, or any little acts of kindness will boost happiness.

My full conversation with Kelly is on YouTube or you can listen to it on this podcast episode.

Do you have any stories about a unique gift you gave or received? Come join the discussion on the Carpe Diem Connections Facebook Group.

New Year’s Resolutions During Uncertain Times

When I tell people I’m an Agile coach, most people look skeptical – or at least confused. (I can be quite awkward in athletic endeavors.) The “Agile” adjective, in this case, refers to a philosophy and project management system that helps teams with productivity in the midst of change and uncertainty.

Without going into a big lecture answering the question “What is Agile?” (you’re welcome), I’ll just highlight a few of the concepts which might help you with your New Year’s goals during these very uncertain times.

And let’s face it, we are always facing changes and uncertainty, so you’ll probably find this is a better way to work with New Year’s Resolutions every year!

Break Your Goals into Iterations

One BIG problem with New Year’s resolutions is that a year is way too long to commit to a detailed goal.  Too many things might derail your plan. One of the keys to handling uncertainty is to execute in short iterations. You might have fuzzy high-level plans, but your detailed plan should only be for the short-term. Then you can learn and adjust as you go along if and when you run into something unexpected.

Instead of trying to lose 50 pounds in a year, maybe your high-level goal could be to develop better lifestyle habits. Your short-term goal might be to take action designed to lose some weight in the next week. It’s a lot easier to stay motivated if you think in small iterations. Big goals can seem overwhelming, but often taking that first step is just what’s needed to get motivated.  Then you can check at the end of the week to see if you lost weight and how much.

Make your specific and detailed plan just for your iteration, in this case, one week. Plan out the healthy meals you’ll make for yourself and what exercise you’ll do. Or, perhaps you’ll keep it simple by simply cutting out desserts. However, plan your details only for one week. Think of it as an experiment.

Reflect, Celebrate, Adapt

One of the most important parts of the Agile frameworks is to consistently reflect, learn, and improve.  At the end of our iteration, we would take the time to measure to see if our short-term goal to lose some weight is being accomplished with the actions we’re taking.

Whether or not the goal of losing weight was achieved, what was learned? If you lost more than expected, how did it feel? How was your energy? If you didn’t lose any weight, what will you do differently next week? 

Regardless of whether or not you lost weight, celebrate your complete week and what you learned in some way with a creative ceremony or ritual. Maybe share a new healthy recipe or go for a hike.  Plan your meals and activities for the next week, taking into account what you learned.  Personally, I’m incorporating a Self-Spa Sunday ritual, ending my week with a luxurious bubble-bath while I reflect on the ups and downs of the past week and anticipate my future week.

When the Unexpected Happens

Let’s say you have an unexpected injury and you can’t execute the short-term exercise plan you had in mind.  Go back to the original purpose of your goal.  You want to develop healthy life-style habits. Are there forms of exercise you can do, in spite of the injury? Can you adjust your meal plan for the next week to take into account the changes? Maybe your plan for the following week is to focus on PT or sleep to improve your overall health rather than trying to lose weight. Be flexible and adjust your short-term plans to take into account any changes, but keep your long-term end goals in mind. 

I’ve used healthy habits and weight-loss as an example here, but you can use these techniques for any goal. Split big goals into smaller ones, and have fun while you learn, improve, grow and celebrate along the way.

Want to Celebrate Monthly?

I’ll be hosting monthly “New Month’s Eve” virtual celebrations so that people can share progress on their goals or share a positive thing about the current month and plan for the following month. Join the Carpe Diem Connections Facebook Group to find out more.

Healthy Habits and the Optimal Living Daily – Vibely Challenge

I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new year. I know, I know… it’s just like any other day and we shouldn’t “wait” to start improving ourselves, but I just get so much MoJo on January 1rst! And, honestly, I let my normally disciplined-self slack a bit in the last two weeks of the year. You know the drill… over-eat, over-drink, and generally slack on all my “goals”.. with the knowledge I’ll be super-motivated in the New Year to get back to my healthy habits!

One of those healthy habits that I’ve developed in the past couple of years is walking regularly, often while listening to inspiring podcasts. One of those podcasts is Optimal Living Daily where it was announced that 15 lucky people would receive a free OLD workbook for talking about self-care practices that have worked. I’m supposed to respond via Vibely, which is a fun app that offers challenges to the community, but.. this would be too long to type in an app! I’ll just send a link!

I’ve figured out that living a meaningful life is not just about where we physically go or what we do, but what is occupying our minds. We only have a finite number of days on this earth and I want to spend those days wisely by making intentional decisions about how I’m spending my time and who I’m spending it with. When I’m alone, my brain is still thinking and I want those to be POSITIVE thoughts!

By listening to Podcasts about positive life-style habits (such as Optimal Living Daily) and participating in various positive communities (such as those offered at Vibely) I’m regularly feeding my mind with positive ideas! I subscribe to positive newsletters, have taken 4 different really interesting courses about the Science of Happiness, have great self-help apps on my phone, and regularly interact with people who feed my soul.

Vibely, also, is fun, for people like me who love prompts and challenges! There’s an OLD (as in Optimal Living Daily.. not “senior”) community that you can find on Vibely and participating is just a really fun way to virtually meet like-minded people and follow through on your goals! My only feedback for this is that I wish there were a version for my laptop. I much prefer communicating with a full-size keyboard rather than the tiny keyboard on my (very small) phone.

All of this has changed my overall mindset to one which is much happier. Though I’ve heard it’s natural for our brains to first see the negative in the events of our day, these practices have helped me train my brain to naturally see the positive in each event… even things that in the past would have made me feel upset, I view as a challenge to find the positive. When I get criticism, it doesn’t feel good, but I now am much more able to be grateful rather than defensive about the feedback.

By the way, this isn’t the first time I’ve given a shout-out to the Optimal Living Daily podcast! It was also the spark that I needed to start my own podcast, Carpe Diem Connections!

What positive self-care habits do you have?

Joy and Technology

Technology (Zoom) let my Mom see all her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren on Easter, 2020.

It’s the end of the year and time to wrap up Season 2 of Carpe Diem Connections and the Joy Makeover. This week Becky Burns and I talk about the Love/Hate Relationship many people have with technology.

Though technology can be frustrating, I’m grateful that it allowed us to have virtual family gatherings throughout the Pandemic.

Ingrid Fetell Lee talks about 6 ways to use technology to cultivate joy and refers to her interview with Pamela Pavliscak, a futurist and designer who embraces a philosophy called positive technology.

With the New Year around the corner, you might want to check out Pamela’s suggestions for a year of positive technology with different themes each month.

The Joyspotters Society Facebook group is another great opportunity to experience social media at its finest. The posts are joyful, kind, and inspiring. So rather than “doomscrolling” why not do some “gleefreshing”? (For other new 2020 words, check out this quiz!)

We wrap up our podcast episode talking about the wonderful communities that are available that spread happiness, including

This and other Websites that spread positivity can be found on the home page of this site,

Do you have a favorite Website, social media group, or app? Are there others you’d like featured on Join the discussion on the Carpe Diem Connections Facebook Group!